Scripture: Ephesians 4:26–5:2
1. In your group, share your name, favorite hobby, and something small that tends to aggravate you? (waiting in line, traffic, crowded parking lot, etc…)
2. Read Ephesians 4:26. How does the way we resolve anger affect our relationships and the quality of our lives?
3. What is one truth God spoke to you through the message? How can that truth be applied to your life this week? Or do you have a question about the message?
Take Home:
During the message, Brandon asked, “How long do you intend to allow the people who mistreated you to influence you?” Think about a time when you’ve given someone power in your life by holding a grudge against him or her (even if that grudge was warranted by what that person did to you).
Who is one person you need to forgive—not necessarily for his or her benefit but for your future? What can you do this week to take a step toward forgiving? How can this group support you?
Memorize Ephesians 5:1-2.